

Portfolio is an app that automatically creates a curated portfolio from a developer’s GitHub projects. The portfolio is presented in a standardized format for potential employers, or others, to view. The app imports all of a user’s repositories, and allows you to choose which to highlight on the home page. Different projects can be shown for different viewers.

This project is a refinement of jtsy Portfolio, an earlier version that was functional, but not optimized. The code base for Dynamic Portfolio eliminates 17 components and 2 contexts, consolidates routes, and reduces unnecessary API calls to make the app more perfomant. Much of this is the result of more effective use of the React Context API.


How Dynamic Portfolio Works

This application uses the GitHub user name to retrieve all of a developer’s projects, including shared projects. On the Developer page, the user will see table of the repositories. The ‘activeFlag’ determines if that project will be shown on the home page. Clicking on a row selects that project and allows the user to change the ‘activeFlag’ to true, and to add deployment link, if different from the link on the GitHub repository page. An image representing the project can be added to include on the home page.

Technologies Used

Profile Generator is a full-stack application, using the following:

Heroku Deployment

This application is designed for deployment on heroku. You must have an account on heroku and install the heroku CLI before deploying.


Getting Started

The first time you type “npm start” you will be prompted to enter your GitHub username.

Create Account

You are then prompted to create an account (or sign in if you have already created an account). An account is needed so that your GitHub username is retained in the Mongo database. The database retains your curated list of projects to publish to your portfolio.

Create Account Page

Log In

The home, about and contact pages are now accessible. However, to customize the app, the user must log in with their Github user name and the password created during signup.

Log In Page

Developer Page

Once you have created an account or signed in, you will see a list of your GitHub projects (repositories) on the developer page. The columns are sortable, and the search box find projects using key words.

Developer Page

Project Dialog

When a project is selected by clicking on it’s row in the table, a modal dialog appears that allows the user to change the display status, deployment link, or image link to be included on the home page. Keywords can be added to enhance the search functionality.

Project Dialog


Using the settings icon on the developer’s page, the user can update personal information shown in the app as needed.

Settings Dialog

Home Page

The selected projects are now displayed on the home page. The user’s name is dynamically rendered from the account settings, as are the links to the code (GitHub repository) and deployed application.

Home Page

About Page

This page is about the user. It can be customized as needed to individualize the presentation. The user’s name and resume link are dynamically provided from the account settings.

About Page

Contact Page

This page provides links to the user’s GitHub and LinkedIn pages, and an email form. The links and email address are provided from the account settings.

Contact Page

Log Out

The user can log out from the developer’s page, denying access to their information. The home, about and contact pages are visible to any viewer.

The user can also delete all their personal information and clear the database, resetting the app and starting again at the Create Account screen.

Log Out Dialog


This application is intended to provide a template to be used to develop a project portfolio. The user can choose from any GitHub project and feature it on the home page. The styling can be modified to suite the user.


The original concept was conceived by Shawn Hayes.

John Cannon
John’s GitHub Projects

Shawn Hayes
Shawn’s GitHub Projects

Tom van Deusen
Tom’s GitHub Projects

Yeng Vang
Yeng’s GitHub Projects


This source code is available under the standard MIT license


Total GitHub Downloads

Total github downloads

Create React Application

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App